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T-Points Rewards

The T-Points rewards program is an easy way for you to get ongoing discounts on your favourite teas and infusions, just by continuing to order.

What are T-Points?
You earn T-Points for various activities you carry out on our site, such as creating a shop account, making a purchase, sharing Teas Direct with your friends, etc.

For example, every time you make a purchase* on, you'll be awarded 5 points for every £1 you spend. When you've acquired enough points, you'll be able to convert your T-Points into a discount that you can apply against your next purchase.

What are the rewards?
The rewards vary according to the number of points required to access them. Our lowest level reward starts at 300 points.

Rewards range from £3 to £10 off, and 10% discount. We also have special deals at different times of the year to earn bonus points, free shipping, free products, etc.

Minimum purchase requirement
For rewards to be applied against your order successfully, your order must have a minimum net value (i.e. before shipping but after discounts) of £35, excepting the £10 off discount which requires a minimum purchase of £50 net order value. 

These values are subject to change and you will receive confirmation of the minimum value in the email notifying you of your rewards discount code.

How do I turn points into rewards?
When you've logged in to your account, click the 'Rewards' button to the bottom right of our website homepage. You'll then see a panel titled 'Points Program' and an option to 'Get rewards'. Click the button to see what rewards you can claim, given your points balance.

The rewards which will be available to you will have a button next to them, titled 'Redeem'. Click the button next to the Reward you want and confirm your request. You'll then see a discount code which you can apply at the checkout. Your discount code will also be emailed to you.

How do I join?
You'll be enrolled automatically when you open a shop account. Please note that  placing an order does not open a new shop account for you automatically. You will need to register. Points will only be awarded to customers with active shop accounts.

Still got questions?
You can get help here.

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